Mrs.Gracey – Senior Operator

Ms. Gracey – one of our senior winder operators retired on April 30th after working with us for over 14 years since the beginning of our company …

Mrs.Gracey – Senior Operator

Ms. Gracey – one of our senior winder operators retired on April 30th after working with us for over 14 years since the beginning of our company …

Sales & Marketing Workshop 2023

The TPE Group, DACH & France, meets once a year for our Sales & Marketing Workshop. These three days are for exchange, team building and development or improvement of different processes.

First aid course at TPE Marschner!

At the Wehingen site, 9 employees took part in a company first aid course for a whole day and have thus become newly trained first aiders.

10 years of TPE Simo!

We celebrate all employees who have been with TPE Simo for 10 years. They are an integral part of our company’s journey and success. We are forever grateful for the commitment and passion they show every day. We wish them all the best on their 10th anniversary and hope for many more fantastic years of working together.

“Pongal” @ TPE India

All employees gathered here because our location in India (TPE India) celebrated the “Pongal” festival (harvest festival) on 13 January. This festival is one of the most important festivals both in Tamilnadu, but also in the whole country. Every year we celebrate the festival together with all the employees on our company premises…

Merry Christmas

The whole TPEG team says thank you for the successful cooperation in 2022.

TPEG Sales Meeting in Wehingen

At regular intervals, our sales representatives from the entire group meet to exchange ideas and experiences, as well as to coordinate and work out TPEG’s further approach to the market.

TPEG Management Meeting in Brussels

In November, the managing directors of all TPEG companies, as well as the heads of the overarching departments of the Tech Power Electronics Group, met for the semi-annual strategic meeting in Brussels.